project the martian forum

company rlmg

client carnegie science center

role lead animator

an interactive martian settlement

Over 600 sf of the gallery are dedicated to a scale model of a Martian colony that evolves as visitors interact with it. Visitors vote on societal issues along an interactive rail that gives a window into the colony’s culture, concerns, and structure. Based on visitor input, new buildings are added to the model over time. Monitors embedded in cliffsides and surface dwellings augment the colony’s interior life with beautifully-detailed, updatable animations. A custom CMS allows the museum to update visitor experience as the colony progresses, reflecting the ever-evolving future of humans and Mars.

-excerpt from RLMG’s website

I produced animations for several screens embedded in the physical model, simulating windows into bunkers and in-world signage. There are multiple versions of each animation that corresponds to the overall life of the settlement.

By comping them together here, you can see the development of each scene as the settlement builds up over time.

visit RLMG’s page documenting the full scope of our work for the Carnegie Science Center


topographic tables


cinematic entrance